Building Tomorrow's Leaders
Empowering our Youth to grow into the best version of themselves.
Funded by the Safer Communities Grant, Building Tomorrow's Leaders is a youth program aiming to divert Young Indigenous Australian's away from criminal activities and to connect back with their community in meaningful ways.
What does the Program Entail?
Through identifying at-risk, disengaged and disadvantaged Indigenous youth by way of referral, the Building Tomorrow's Leaders program consists of diversion activities designed around a holistic skills-based model that offers alternative pathways for ongoing personal growth and connections.
Program Pathways
Designed for one-on-one intervention, one of our Youth Workers works closely with the participant to guide them to engage in education and employment pathways, community and cultural connections and other supports as needed.
The case manager will also work closely with the family to offer support around housing, family employment, health care and community engagement.
The Intensive Block Program will consist of 12 participants per program, and they will run in alignment with school holidays. The program will involve
- Cultural activities such as knowledge sharing, dreamtime, kinship, Welcome to Country, hunting/gathering, cultural traditions and more.
- Life skills lessons including budgeting, shopping, nutrition, cooking, sexual health and more.
- Career pathways planning, focusing on goal making, education and training opportunities, resume writing and interview techniques.
- Connection with family, highlighting the importance of family and kinship, group discussions and activities involving families and encouraging reconnection.
- Physical and mental health activities such s time in nature and bush, teamwork and leadership building and meditation.
At the completion of each block program, participants will graduate and be presented with a completion certificate.
Am I Eligible?
The program is open to First Nations Youth who are identified as at-risk through the following characteristics:
- Lower attendance rate at school/educational program
- Involved in violence/anti-socai behaviours
- Engaged in parole and/or probation services
- Has or is completing completing community service
- Unemployed and lacking motivation/engagement with job-seeking
- Isolation from community
- Involvement with criminal activities or groups
- Homelessness
- Parental involvement in the justice system
Accessing the Program
The program is accessed via referrals from:
- Primary and secondary schools
- Community groups and organisations
- Child safety
- Local police services
Referrals will be assessed for their suitability to either the block program or case management.
Opening hours
Day | Open | Close |
Monday | 8:00 AM | 5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 8:00 AM | 5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 8:00 AM | 5:00 PM |
Thursday | 8:00 AM | 5:00 PM |
Friday | 8:00 AM | 4:30 PM |
Saturday | Closed | Closed |
Sunday | Closed | Closed |
Public Holidays | Closed | Closed |