Golf day raises $1400 for Lodge

THE 2019 IWC Charity Golf Day has raised more than $1400 for Rotary Lodge in Bundaberg, after the community turned out in force for the Reconciliation Week event.
The charity fundraiser at Gayndah Golf club drew support from many Nort
h Burnett businesses, which provided great prizes, and around 36 players turned out on the day.
“It was a gloriously sunny winter’s day, and the community spirit was out in force,” said Ms George.
It is the second time the charity golf day has been held by IWC in partnership with Gayndah, with funds raised last year going to another organisation that supports the community, LifeFlight.
“IWC is working with, and for, the community every day, and we are pleased to support Rotary Lodge this year because it supports many people in North Burnett,” said Ms George.
As well as the golfing, a rolling raffle also was a big success along with a fundraising barbecue lunch.
IWC is non-government, Aboriginal community-run and registered charity, providing health and wellbeing services across the North Burnett for all people, Indigenous and non-Indigenous.
“Reconciliation in Action is core business for us every day,” said Ms George. “This event was a great way to bring people together, to celebrate our great community.
“Teams of three played and the overall winners were Brent Chambers, Brian Nugent and Peter Ulcoq.”
“A big thankyou to everyone who took part and also to the many who volunteered their time and effort make this a great event on the day.”
Volunteers: Celia Wain, Kirsten Morris, Trevor Darlington, Clem Shadford, Les Hegarty, Kit George, Kailu George, Kathy Ratcliff, Linden George, Jack, George, Kylie George, Tekiya George, and Gayndah Golf Club members Di and Lindsay Baker, Jim Myers, Steve Gallagher and Jeremy Zahl.”