Colour us happy as IWC joins Fluro Fun Run

WHEN runners and walkers gather for the 2018 Bundaberg Fluro Fun Run on November 11, there will be a flurry of colour from health and wellbeing organisation IWC.
The Aboriginal community-controlled organisation is the leading provider of community care for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in the region, and has entered a team of 20 enthusiastic staff members to share the messages they live and work every day.
“This really is walking the talk for us, because improving the health and wellbeing of all people in our communities is core business for IWC,” said IWC Corporate Manager Leanne Connors, who is leading the team. “What better way to spread the word than to be in an event that brings our community together in a fun social event that also gets us outdoors and doing exercise?
“We also are committed to Reconciliation in Action, and at IWC Indigenous and non-Indigenous staff work alongside each other every day, and deliver services to all people without discrimination. In this event our team will walk, or run, together as part of one community.”
She added: “Over the years, IWC team members have taken part in Relay for Life and the Diabetes Walk for Children, and this is another great community event that is inclusive and supports good health and wellbeing.”
The IWC has had team t-shirts made for the day – complete with a good splash of colour to get the fun under way right from the start of the run.
They expect to be a rainbow of moving colour by the end, because all of the runners and walkers in the event will be showered with coloured chalk as they make their way around the 1km track up to five times.
Ms Connors said the event was a fun way for the IWC, a non-government and community-run organisation, to support another good cause. Monies raised will go to Powdered Paws, which supports animal rescues.
“IWC delivers a holistic, whole-of-person model of care through its 27 health and wellbeing, family and community services, and this high-energy and socially inclusive event supports that,” she said.
IWC has more than 13,000 clients and delivers 104,000 Episodes of Care a year.
- The Fluro Fun Run is on Sunday, November 11 at the Bundaberg Recreational Precinct.