12 Tips To Better Sleep

How to get a better nights sleep?
The benefits of a good night's sleep are almost endless. Beyond feeling rested and refreshed, regularly getting good sleep boosts your immune system, lowers the risk of health problems, clears the mind, helps manage weight, reduces stress, helps mental health, and so much more. Unfortunately, getting a good night's sleep does not come easily to everyone, and the effects of a lack of sleep can affect your health and your relationships.

Stop having caffeinated drinks after lunchtime. This includes soft drinks! Water is the best drink for your health, and staying hydrated throughout the night can help you regulate your body temperature and nod off more easily at bedtime.
Stop eating 3 hours before bedtime. And that also means no nighttime snacks! Eat a balanced, nourishing meal for dinner that will keep you satisfied as you head to the land of nod.
We will say this one loud for those in the back... UNPLUG. Stop using all devices, including TVs, Computers, Phones and iPads, at least one hour before you head to bed.

Routine! It works for toddlers, and it works for you too. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every morning. This means there is no pressing the snooze button!
Use a journal. Write down your to-do list for tomorrow and any stresses/worries that are on your mind. Once written down, let them go for the night. It can also be helpful to write down 3 good things that happened to you during the day and/or 3 things you are grateful for.
If you are a smoker, remember it is a stimulant, so have your last durrie at least 2 hours before bed and consider quitting altogether.

Alcohol consumption contributes to poor sleep quality, so avoid it at night.
Make your bedroom nice and cozy with low lighting and a cool temperature (between 17 - 19 degrees is ideal). So cool and dark; that's #bedroomgoals.
Meet the sun when you wake up. Go outside and let some bright, natural sunlight reset your circadian rhythm, making you more alert during the day and more ready for sleep when the sun goes down.

Get Moving! Even light exercise daily will help improve your sleep. But give yourself plenty of wind-down time if you get your movement in at night!
Stay active during the day. Take regular breaks from your desk chair to stretch your legs, get some fresh air and sunlight and stare into the distance.
Learning to meditate or do breathing exercises or yoga can help to reduce stress and clear the mind, which makes getting to sleep much easier.
See your GP if you experience:
- Symptoms of Sleep Apnea (loud snoring, waking up tired, partner noticed you stop breathing when sleeping)
- Waking at night to pee more than once or twice
- Low blood sugar in the middle of the night
- breathing difficulties
- wheezing
- heart burn
- any other symptoms you are concerned about.